I, too, sing America

I, too, sing America

I am the darker brother.
They send to eat in the kitchen
when company comes,
but I laugh,
and eat well,
and grow strong.

I´ll be at the table,
well company comes,
Nobody w´ll dare,
say to me
"Eat the kitchen",

they´ll see how beatiful I am,
and be ashamed-

I, too, am americam

James Langston Hughes

2 comentarios:

Shlomo Ben Hungstien dijo...

que es un blog agradable que ha pasando Estoy seguro de que Bill lo agradecería muchísimo. pero con algunos software de traducción añade que no puede doler:) Eso es lo que utiliza para traducir el siguiente comentario de Inglés. Tengo un montón de arte ROM fan incluyendo lo que hice para la subasta benéfica Bill Mantlo último en el blog de ROM, sino que va a ser más fáciles de ver en mi página de Deviant la galería de arte: http://csuhsux.deviantart.com/ Galería /

Shlomo Ben Hungstien dijo...

i came up with the idea of having ROM back but in human form as we last saw him. it they change the spelling of his name like into Romm or Rahm. now the character doesn't look like the doll or have the same name from a legal stand point. Dan Abnett who is one of the writers for the Annihilators said he would run the idea by Marvel's legal department. he got back to me in less then 24 hours after i found him on facebook. please leave a comment on the ROM blog even if it's a brief one just as long as your telling Marvel to just do it already!